Germany to donate 100,000 Mpox vaccine doses to combat outbreak in Africa, ET HealthWorld


Berlin: Germany Desire Donate 100,000 Dosage of Ampox Vaccine to help with their military reserves Outbreak A government spokesperson said on Monday that the government would work to regain control on the African continent in the short term while also providing assistance to affected countries.

The government will provide World Health Organization Supporting our partners with flexible financial resources through various means to combat MPOX Africa Through GAVI Immunization Alliancethe spokesperson further said.

Germany has around 117,000 doses GeneosWhich is being stockpiled by the German Army after being purchased by Berlin in 2022.

On Monday, a Defence Ministry spokesperson said it would hold a minimum amount of stock to protect travelling officials. He added that a separate decision would need to be taken when it comes to re-ordering vaccines.

The World Health Organisation has declared ampox a global public health emergency following an outbreak in the Americas. Democratic Republic of the Congo The spread of the virus to neighbouring countries and the emergence of a new variant of the virus, Clade IB, have raised concerns about the speed of transmission.

According to a Foreign Ministry spokesperson, the government is exploring the fastest way to deliver vaccines to affected countries, primarily the Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi and neighbouring countries in East Africa.

(Reporting by Miranda Murray; Editing by Thomas Sethal)

  • Published on Aug 26, 2024 06:06 PM IST

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